All religions, beliefs and superstitions contain a millenarian dogma. It is a metaphysical transcription of the act of finitude of life itself.
Everything lives and dies. Between these two states, human beings, by chance and then by determinism, go through phases of life and death impulses.

This mechanism leads us to say that existence is the beginning of the end. I take this assertion in reverse, taking existence as the end of the beginning.
Homo sapiens will have used all his artifices in a vain quest for transubstantiation with the sole aim of surviving forever and never being forgotten.
At the end of this journey, all that remains is an empty world from which architectural remains will emerge.

Two bodies of work are presented in this exhibition.
The figure of the monolith in empty metaphysical spaces and landscapes that are the physical transcription of the end of the beginning of our civilisational journey.
Nude landscapes, representations of lost Edens, predating all human activity and preceding the end of the beginning.