Dimitri Fagbohoun is an artist born in July 1972 in Cotonou, Benin, to a Beninese father and a Ukrainian mother. Having grown up in Cameroon, he now lives between Paris, Brussels and Cotonou. His work is marked by a plural identity and a transcultural approach, often explored through themes linked to history, memory and identities.


Fagbohoun uses a variety of artistic media, including sculptures, videos, installations and drawings, to address socio-cultural, identity and geopolitical issues. His artistic approach makes manifest the complexity of African reality and examines the creative and destructive processes of humanity, drawing on his cultural heritage.

The artist has taken part in numerous international exhibitions and biennials, including the Venice Biennale, the Dakar Biennale and the Festival Panafricain d'Alger. His works are part of prestigious collections and have been exhibited in renowned institutions such as the MMK Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt and the Malmö Konsthall in Sweden.

Fagbohoun tackles subjects such as exile, migration and cultural hybridisation. His "Recollection" project, for example, examines classical African artworks and their impact on Western thought, and won him the Smithsonian Fellowship Award in 2017. Working on themes such as memory and religious syncretism, he offers a reflection on humanity's creative and destructive processes.